So much for my complaining and worrying. But wait, I wasn't done worrying, oh no...that had just begun. I worried the roof would rip off in one of the many storms that seemed unending and I slept very little thinking about what could go wrong before closing. What a mess I was!!!
A few things did manage to go wrong--a roof repair and an icemaker that got all blocked up but in the grand scheme of things I should have slept more. Sheesh!! That is my 8 year old's favorite expression right now--how suitable.
We are now ensconsed in a pretty little ranch--in need of paint and loving care. We have rented for now until we can find a place to buy. The pictures above are a slice of heaven that is within an hours drive. I love the woods and we missed them so.
Now, if we could only have convinced our good neighbors and friends to have moved with us. We miss them.