Tuesday, February 19, 2013


When we moved into our house 3 years ago some of the wiring was a bit sketchy.
We have just finished getting it properly fixed.
 Even though things are still messy, everything still pushed around and disorganized, the workmen are gone.
It was horrible having the work go on while everyone in the house had a nasty cold, 
drilling and loud banging doesn't mix with a head cold very well.
We got to adios the shop lights we had down there. I was so happy to see these go away.
When I get my little art area back in order
 I will share pictures of the drop lights I now have over my workbench.
There is still work to do down there in the basement 
but it such a good feeling to have it safe.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Catching Up......

I have been meaning to update this blog for ages and January slipped past me. 
I kind of wish February would right now. I'm in the midst of a little cold that has me feeling all in a fog.
Anyway, I made this felt babushka in December. I was practicing embroidery stitches. She is meant to be an ornament so she still needs a string and next year she will hang from our greenery.
Take Care! :-)