Monday, September 17, 2007

More Gnome love.......

These are some little gnome paper cutouts. Meg and I found them in Switzerland a couple of years ago now, and we still can't bear to use them...what a waste! It is so hard to use these beautiful little gnomes. Maybe I could avoid all this guilt if I framed them??

Just before we moved back to the states from Germany we made several small trips to neighboring countries that we hadn't gotten to yet....we didn't want to miss them. Anyway, we dashed into and out of Lucerne, Switzerland on a long weekend and found that it is a really pretty little town. The long wooden bridge across the river is cool and the view from the church of the town and lake was beautiful. Meg and I had made it our mission when we would visit a new place to go into a regular office supply store, a store very unlikely to sell tourist pap. We didn't want a snow globe with the Lucerne skyline, we wanted idiosyncratic stuff--just like these little cutouts. Of course, we do have our share of snowglobes, etc. :-)

1 comment:

Thoughts on Life and Millinery. said...

I was in Switzerland last June. Isn't it a gorgeous country?

Have you thought about scanning your cute little gnomes so you can make a copy to cut from while keeping the original?

WAyyyy cute!