Emmy, all determined, started knitting just after Christmas this year. She didn't have any project in mind, she just wanted to knit--make the needles click and "make something". I got her started--I can hardly say that I knit tho--casting on and a scarf are it on the list of knitting accomplishments for me--so Em wasn't going to be getting much help from her mommy. She brought me her project yesterday and oh, how proud she was. Yikes, what were we going to do with her beautiful effort?
Well, here is what we came up with! Ta da! :-) Looking good Josefina! (American Girls)
We just threaded a ribbon thru the lower dropped stitches and a ribbon thru the stitches still on the needles and wah lah we have a sundress for Josefina. :-) (except that it shows her "bum-bum" as Emmy puts it--she fixed that this morning with tape) :-)
I'll be back later with a photo of the day--it looks sooo pretty outside--well worth the rain of yesterday!
**and here is our walk this morning.....Em showing Kaya the crabtree blossoms that smell so sweet....and a pretty shadow in the sun......***
Thanks for stopping in! :-)
What a clever use of her first knitting project--may she knit many more.
Well done foa first project! My mom teached me to knit through her own projects. I would knit abit and she would take it back before the catstrophe...
I love the idea of knitting for the sheer fun of it :) Sounds like a good way to enjoy it!
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